In the view of ongoing global war on cash and tightening financial regulations, we have chosen the topic of Hackers Congress Paralelni Polis 2017 to be the financial and economic freedom.
Real digital privacy starts with protecting your financial transactions. Leaving no traces. Making impossible to see or intervene your voluntary economic interactions. With the rise of anonymous cryptocurrencies, for the first time in our human history, we can do a global business and stay anonymous.
Anonymous prediction markets, anonymous anti-government insurance, anonymous crowdfunded whistleblowing, decentralized cryptomarkets, anonymous perfect corruption - all these crypto technologies will undermine the current authoritative systems.
And make the significant change. Silently. With no violence or politicians. It's time. Liberate yourself!
Join us at the 4th Hackers Congress Paralelni Polis with hundreds of freedom enthusiasts, tech-entrepreneurs, activists, artists and cryptoanarchists to celebrate the age of digital freedom and decentralization!
The congress program starts on Friday, 6th October at 13:00 and ends on Sunday, 8th October at 18:00. The venue opens at 9:00 each day. Official language is English.
This year we are scaling the whole congress up! With more than 40 expected speakers from various fields such as the freedom movement, cryptoanarchy, sharing economy, cryptocurrencies, political art, hacking and much more.
What does "blockchain" actually do?
Peter Todd
Applied Cryptographer, Bitcoin Core developer
Peter Todd is an applied cryptography consultant known for his work on the OpenTimestamps project, Bitcoin protocol research, and contributions to the Bitcoin Core project.
Ultimately all security software prevents things from happening. Here we'll dive into what exactly does "blockchain" tech prevent, and where that can and can't be useful.
Cryptocurrencies Live Forever. You Won't.
Pamela Morgan
Founder and CEO of Third Key Solutions, Board of C4, Attorney at Empowered Law
Pamela Morgan is an educator, entrepreneur, attorney, and public speaker. She is a widely respected authority on multi-signature governance and legal innovation using digital currencies. In early 2015, she founded Third Key Solutions, LLC, a key consulting firm that works with individuals and organizations to improve the security of their crypto-holdings and ensure these assets are accessible in the event of crisis, death, or disaster.
Think about the value of your bitcoin and other crypto-assets growing in the future. Now think about what will happen to those assets if something happens to you. Most people don't like to think about mortality but with these assets failure to plan usually means total loss. Attend this talk to learn why you need an inheritance plan and how to create one for your loved ones - without introducing a "trusted third party" to hold your keys.
Bitcoin: political attack vectors and common misconceptions
Giacomo Zucco
Theoretical Physicist and CEO of BlockchainLab
Theoretical Physicist, former Technology Consultant for Accenture spa, serial entrepreneur in the field of emerging technologies. Economic blogger and contributor to several Italian newspapers. Involved in several projects in Bitcoin and blockchain space since 2012, he is now CEO of BHB Network, a research/development/incubation/consulting firm and a world-class competence center in the field.
The blockchain technology was not brought about to improve past technologies, instead, its roots are exclusively political. The idea behind its development, started by the internet cypherpunks and then continued by Satoshi Nakamoto, is the creation of a monetary tool able to defy government censorship and to protect user’s privacy. In this speech, Giacomo Zucco will dispel myths about improbable uses of the blockchain, especially in the financial/banking world, and he will outline the true challenges behind Bitcoin. Part of those challenges are also political in nature: In the last months, we have seen interesting developments with the proposals of various contentious and not technically-motivated hard-forks, one of which was enacted (Bitcoin Cash). Those splits can be seen as a new kind of political attack vector against the decentralised and censorship-resistant nature of Bitcoin. To understand the absence of true technical motives behind those kind of consensus changes you have to understand the fundamental difference between the necessity of a dynamic, versatile and competitive system, following the Schumpeter’s definition of “Creative destruction”, able to disrupt and replace the current financial and monetary system, and the absolute importance of a resilient immutable base protocol. Protocols like the TCP/IP are very difficult to upgrade because they are base level network architectures, Bitcoin more-so needs to be static to withstand every kind of attack: strong foundations to build on. On the other hand, some changes are still deemed to be necessary and desirable before the eventual crystallisation of the protocol: one example is Segwit that was finally activated at the end of August 2017.
Privacy, fungibility & scale in Bitcoin
Adam Back
Cypherpunk, inventor of Hashcash, and co-founder and CEO of Blockstream
Dr. Adam Back is the inventor of hashcash (used in Bitcoin mining) and co-founder and CEO of Blockstream. Adam has worked on e-cash protocols since 1995. He was an architect and cryptographer at Zero-Knowledge Systems, and a consultant to companies such as Nokia and VMware. Adam holds a Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Exeter.
Join this session to hear why the current and upcoming features in Bitcoin enable more financial and economic freedom than ever before.
Bitcoin's Price & Adoption Trends in a Geopolitical World
Tone Vays
Crypto Analyst & Derivatives Trader
Tone is a former Bear Stearns Risk Analyst & JP Morgan Chase VP. His expertise is in Economic Trends, Trading and Risk Analysis. Ever since getting involved in the Crypto Currency ecosystem in early 2013, he has been very active in spreading the relevance and importance of this technology as it helps promote economic freedom as the War on Cash rages on. Tone was recently featured in a Bitcoin Documentary – Magic Money. Tone is now an independent content creator at LibertyLifeTrail and the host of three YouTube podcasts: CryptoScam, On The Record, and Tone's Market Analysis. Tone holds a Masters Degree in Financial Engineering along with Bachelor Degrees in Mathematics and Geology.
Over the last few years, we have seen the rise of the Blockchain concept and now ICO's but it was Bitcoin that started it all. In this talk, we will review the history of Bitcoin exploring reasons for all the price ups and down. Explore current important use case and look at the future impact of this technology. We conclude with some trading prediction using Technical Analysis of the price charts.
The Fog of Crypto War
Cryptoanarchist and cypherpunk
Cryptoanarchist for 20 years. An operator of anonymous remailers and darknet hangouts. Author (Second Realm - Book on Strategy, The Treasure that is Privacy, Aristocracy of Action). Privacy extremist and crypto absolutist. Coder, admin, network cuddler. Covert communications specialist.
Technical aspects of crypto politics, and how crypto activists are engaging with a straw man, while the real thing happens in a different room. [ Undermining algorithms, key escrow, no more end to en encryption, breaking Internet security by outlawing crypto - and why it's about none of the above.]
Dehumanizing Technology
Frank Braun
Cryptoanarchist and aspiring cypherpunk
Cypherpunk, cryptoanarchist, privacy extremist, and dark net aficionado. Software developer and IT security consultant with a focus on secure messaging and digital currencies. Somewhat disillusioned with mainstream tech.
Investigating the dangers of technological biases, path dependencies, addictive systems, totalitarian technology, and the resulting dehumanizing technology. Discussion about the ethics of technology in the light of blockchains and smart contracts. A critique of technological constructivism and the tech echo chamber.
A post-libertarian realpolitik
Arto Bendiken
Cryptoanarchist and aspiring cryptotribalist
Master Toolsmith, Cypherpunk Division of the Crypto Economics Consulting Group (CECG). Senior cryptoanarchist. Aspiring cryptotribalist. Perpetual traveler in training. Public domain advocate.
We as libertarians often maintain that the state is a fiction, sometimes a consensual one. But what if the notion of rights is equally a fiction, too? We will examine a realpolitik perspective on how individual autonomy was curtailed historically and what a posited rising marginal cost of oppression means for the future of liberty.
Blockchain and the Technological Foundations of Civilization
Jeffrey Tucker (via Skype)
Director of Content, Foundation for Economic Education
Jeffrey Tucker is Director of Content for the Foundation for Economic Education. He is also Chief Liberty Officer and founder of, Distinguished Honorary Member of Mises Brazil, research fellow at the Acton Institute, policy adviser of the Heartland Institute, founder of the CryptoCurrency Conference, member of the editorial board of the Molinari Review, an advisor to the blockchain application builder Factom, and author of five books. He has written 150 introductions to books and many thousands of articles appearing in the scholarly and popular press.
People think of blockchain as an edgy new technology. To some extent, this is true. But the real function of the technology is to solve a problem that dates deep into the history of the human experience. It is a new solution to the oldest problems.
CRISPR & Biohacking
Paul Rosenberg
Co-founder of Cryptohippie and author of the Freeman’s Perspective newsletter
Paul Rosenberg is the author of the Free-Man's Perspective newsletter and the co-founder of Cryptohippie. He is also the author of A Lodging of Wayfaring Men, Production Versus Plunder and The Breaking Dawn. He is a co-author of The New Age of Intelligence.
CRISPR is science fiction made real. It is nature's technology for splicing genes, and we've learned that it can be used for almost any application. On top of that, it's shockingly affordable. One expert on CRISPR calls it “the biggest thing since penicillin,” and that may not be an over-statement. CRISPR puts physical evolution into our hands.
Foundations of Internet Money
Paige Peterson
Community Outreach and Education at Zcash Company & Internet Security Trainer and Activist
Paige leads the community team and user education at Zcash Company and is an Internet security and privacy activist. She previously organized the San Francisco Bitcoin Meetup and has interest in and experience with a range of p2p technologies including mesh networking and decentralized data storage.
Confidentiality in financial systems is a core property for maintaining fungibility and protecting fundamental human values. While financial privacy is a key tool in protecting against surveillance and censorship in oppressive situations, it is also a basic necessity for day to day business activity. The privacy features in Zcash set a foundation for Internet money that benefits all.
Lightning network basics and layer 3
Julien Guitton
Cryptoanarchist and cypherpunk, contributor to bitcoin, lightning network and bitmessage, co-founder of Condensat technologies
Julien Guitton is a French computer engineer. He worked in IT and computer science for 15 years in a large set of domains including tv production, public service, video games, telecommunications, banks and insurance. Absolute fan of the free open source software, he used them and contributed to opensource projects he put in production in his businesses contracts. He is an advocate of open systems and open licenses. He considers patents a bad thing. With a strong knowledge in development, systems and security, and with his discovery of bitcoin in 2011, he decided to work on cryptography related projects. Bitcoin, lightning network and bitmessage. Within this marvelous community, he met a lot of cool people, famous cryptoanarchists and cypherpunk. He is committed to contribute to and to make the ideas of those people a success. Now, he is cofounding a company to launch an all-inclusive bitcoin service with finance-related features to banked and unbanked: Condensat technologies. As a side project, he produces a french electro hip hop band.
Lightning-fast blockchain payments without worrying about block confirmation times. Security enforced by blockchain smart-contracts without creating an on-blockchain transaction for individual payments. Payment speed measured in milliseconds to seconds. Capable of millions to billions of transactions per second across the network. Capacity blowing away legacy payment rails by many orders of magnitude. Attaching payment per action/click possible without custodians. The emergence of use cases such as instant micropayments. Cross-chain atomic swaps occurring off-chain instantly with heterogeneous blockchain consensus rules. Julien, with the help of Alice, Bob and their friends, will present you the lightning network. How it works, why it's mind-blowing and some uses cases the will disrupt the blockchain technology itself.
Freedom of transaction
Joerg Platzer
Crypto economist, author, consultant and heartfelt bartender
Joerg Platzer was active as a Conceptioner, Information Architect and Consultant for strategic corporate communications for two decades. He is a hacktivist, founding member of the Crypto Economics Consulting Group, an international Cypherpunk-Thinktank (2010) and runs ROOM77 in Berlin, the first bricks-and-mortar business in the world, that has accepted Bitcoin.
Why freedom of transaction in the information age is a basic precondition for all other basic and human rights. Historically it was always given and therefore never fought for in any revolution but now that we enter a fully digitized economy it can easily be taken away. Not to have freedom of transaction would end all other freedoms effective immediately though. Freedom of transaction must always include free choice of currency and of financial technology. If there was ever a time to defend the achievements of past centuries and to carry them into the future and strengthen them that time is now.
Now that North Korea, Venezuela, and Iran are making the headlines, don't you wish you had begun using my idea, Assassination Politics, years ago?
Jim Bell
Anarchist libertarian and political dissident
James Dalton Bell, 59 years ago. Before age 9, I'd lived in Ohio, New York state, Ohio, Michigan. Moved to Kansas age 9. High School: Shawnee Mission North High School Hobbies: Primarily Chemistry and Electronics. Higher education: Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge Massachusetts, USA. Worked for Intel Corporation, 1980-1982 as a semiconductor text engineer. Started my own company, "SemiDisk Systems Inc", in Aloha Oregon 1982, operated until July 1992. Electronics consultant 1992 onwards. Wrote Assassination Politics Essay from February 1995-about April 1996.
In 1995, I thought of an idea, which I wrote into an essay called "Assassination Politics", which I asserted (and genuinely believe and believed, then and now) would eliminate the need and even the possibility of war, armies, and oppressive governments. I put it out there for everyone to consider and debate. Everyone had the ability to find the flaws if any were present. Yet, subsequent years went by, and the world continued to have war and trillions of dollars spent on militaries. Governments continued to oppress. And the public did, essentially, nothing. We are all subject to that abuse, today. There is an old joke about a religious man who is caught in his house in a flood. As the water rises higher, he is visited by two rescue boats. Each time they offer to rescue him; he responds by saying, "Go away. The Lord will save me!" Eventually, the water continued to rise, he's on the chimney, water all around, and a rescue helicopter appears, offering assistance. He says, "Go away. The Lord will save me!". The helicopter leaves. The water rose, higher, the man drowns. In Heaven, he asks St. Peter, "Why did God not rescue me"? St. Peter answered, "He sent two boats and a helicopter; what more did you want?" Well, I, Jim Bell, sent the world my Assassination Politics essay. What more do YOU want?!?
Exploring Consensual Non monogamy
Alexa Martinez
Sex educator and researcher, focusing on love & relationships in the new millennia
Alexa is a sex and relationship anarchist from New Orleans, Louisiana, who is constantly questioning the status quo when it comes to the deepest and most personal aspects of who we are. She is a sex coach, mentor, educator and the founder of The Violet Butterfly LLC.
A look at the evolution of monogamy, how relationships have changed through time along with what is currently available on the fringe today.
There are many ways to sex and be sexed. This is a talk about the wide variety of sexual preferences expressed across the globe. Healthy sexual expression leads to a sane mind. Let's find out what type of sexual deviant you are.
Rojava: call for a revolutionary hacker movement and the study of polytechnics
Amir Taaki
Rojava Economics Committee
Amir Taaki was nearly 2 years in the Rojava revolution, first for nearly 4 months fighting in the YPG, then working for the administration on economics projects. Before that Amir was an early developer of Bitcoin developing black market technologies. Amir is an expert in free technology, cryptography and systems development.
We are a revolutionary organization following the ideology of apoism in Rojava, North Syria. Global power is breaking up, and new groups are emerging in the struggle for power around the world. We are the technical arm of the democratic confederalist ideological movement. At one time hackers believed they could use the power of the internet and software to shape the world. Leaders emerged that managed to put forward exciting visions of the future that brought groups of technically skilled people together to build large scale projects. But there was another strand in the movement which rejected collective action driven by shared ideas, and instead saw technology merely a way to improve the material conditions of individuals and rejected changing the world. Our group is here to restore back the potential of the hacker movement. We are advancing a vision and practice for technologists that will make the hacker movement a revolutionary force with the power to shape global politics.
Crowdfunding as an expression of financial freedom
Radim Kozub
Attorney at law and co-founder of Blockchain Legal
Radim co-founded Blockchain Legal with the clear intention: to help ideas of decentralization, privacy and peer-to-peer economy happen in order to achieve more freedom and true justice. Fascinated by the power of reputation in the age of virtual networks, he dreams of a society without central law enforcement.
We can live on bitcoins, avoid bank products and freely choose the other party of your transactions. But setting up a business with significant initial costs? Ask for the banking loan or find an angel investor. Buying shares in an interesting company? Ask some investment fund to include it in its portfolio, we are too "unqualified" to do it on our own. Until last year, this had been the common situation. With blockchain-based digital tokens, this will be over soon. And the tsunami of ICO´s is just a beginning. Crowd is becoming significant financial power. And everybody has a chance to become "qualified" enough to understand the investments into to the business entities. For the first time in history.
Crowdfunding as an expression of financial freedom
Pavel Urbaczka
Attorney at law and co-founder of Blockchain Legal
Pavel is an attorney at law and since 2017 co-founder of Blockchain Legal, Czech law firm focused on decentralized technology solutions (including cryptocurrencies). He is crypto-anarchist and Bitcoin enthusiast.
We can live on bitcoins, avoid bank products and freely choose the other party of your transactions. But setting up a business with significant initial costs? Ask for the banking loan or find an angel investor. Buying shares in an interesting company? Ask some investment fund to include it in its portfolio, we are too "unqualified" to do it on our own. Until last year, this had been the common situation. With blockchain-based digital tokens, this will be over soon. And the tsunami of ICO´s is just a beginning. Crowd is becoming significant financial power. And everybody has a chance to become "qualified" enough to understand the investments into to the business entities. For the first time in history.
Anarchy as a Conservative Program
Josef Šíma
President of CEVRO Institute and Director of its international PPE MA program
Josef Šíma is the president of CEVRO Institute [school of legal and social studies] and a Director of its unique international Philosophy, Politics, Economics (PPE) MA program. He translated over 10 books including Ludwig von Mises’s Human Action or Murray Rothbard’s Man, Economy and State, and Power and Market.
Many people consider anarchy to be a recipe for revolution and advocacy of chaotic social relations. Both claims are wrong. Not only we can easily see anarchy producing order, rather than chaos, but we can also show that the call for anarchy rests on very common-sense or even conservative requirements of social life.
How to bootstrap a DAO
Chris Beams
Developer, Bisq P2P crypto-fiat exchange and DAO
Chris is an open-source developer, project manager and public speaker currently working on Bisq, a decentralized crypto-fiat exchange.
We’ve heard a lot about decentralized autonomous organizations over the last several years, but thus far few have become fully operational. In this talk we’ll look at the practical considerations of designing and building a real-world DAO, using the Bisq exchange and its forthcoming DAO as a case study.
Liberland state model for 21st century
Vít Jedlička
Founder and first President of Free Republic Liberland
Vit Jedlicka has been actively involved with the Liberty movement since his university days. He received his bachelor’s degree from the University of Economics, Prague in 2009. At the same time, he became the founding member of the Czech Libertarian Free Citizens Party. He also started libertarian educational NGO and whose video channels have in excess of 18 million views. He received his Master’s degree in political science from CEVRO Institute in 2014. On 13th April 2015, he founded the Free Republic of Liberland and was elected its first President. Since the formation of Liberland, close to half a million individuals have applied or registered for citizenship. Vit considers himself a Frédéric Bastiat influenced libertarian.
Liberland is the youngest country on earth, and was formed on the 272nd birthday of Thomas Jefferson, 13th April 2015. The country was formed on 7km2 of no mans' land, sitting between Croatia and Serbia. It is the third smallest state after The Vatican and Monaco. Liberland's constitution is based on libertarian ideals and values; minimum government intervention with the maximum amount of freedom granted to its' citizens. Liberland has attracted in excess of 450,000 applications for citizenship, and applies a concept of voluntary taxation. The state intends to be a leading role model in the 21st century, combining the best governance practices from constitutions of Switzerland and USA while implementing the latest state of the art technology such as blockchain, as well as proven concepts such as E-Residency demonstrated by Estonia. The creation of a new country requires an extensive array of diplomatic, legal and technological challenges, which are essential for the proper development of a nation. Modern countries have in many cases become burdened with obstacles, rather than supporting the economic development of a society. Over regulation and excessive taxation are smothering the economic growth, particularly in Europe. Is the creation of a new smaller jurisdiction, with low taxation policies the correct answer to the stagnation of economic growth? Do existing countries have the courage to allow Liberland and other "free spirit" nations to flourish? Or are we doomed to continue suffering due to the taxation policies of other countries?
FinTech vs. Traditional banking business models
Aleš Rod
Director responsible for research activities at Centre for Economic and Market Analyses
Ales Rod works as the research director in the Centre for Economic and Market Analyses. He earned his Ph.D. (Economic Theory) at the University of Economics in Prague, Czech Republic and he still lectures at several universities. His research activities are related to the economics of regulation with an application in energy and waste economy, public finance and banking. Moreover, he is involved in several projects analysing shadow economy and economics of luxury. Ales cooperates with Europe’s Research Alliance for a Digital Economy in London and consults various projects dealing with smart cities and digital economy for both public and private subjects in the Czech Republic and abroad. He is active investor into the fintech industry.
A traditional banking industry faces a new challenge – disruptive innovations driven by financial technologies. A new FinTech branch of economy benefits from similar factors like non-banking financial institutions in the mid of 20th century like lower regulation, flexibility or reputation bubble. Are traditional business models going to disappear? Is FinTech industry strong enough to oppose to banking lobby? And, last but not least, is there any space for cash as a medium of exchange in the FinTech world? These questions are pillars of Ales’s contribution.
Comparing trade-offs of cryptocurrencies
Martin Habovštiak
Voluntaryist, programmer, crypto/security enthusiast
Martin discovered the beauty of computer code when eleven and didn't stop studying IT since then. He joined first Slovak hackerspace called Progressbar soon after it was funded and met many interesting people. This led to discovering Bitcoin and consequently Anarcho-Capitalism/Voluntaryism.
When Bitcoin was created, it was widely believed to be anonymous currency. This was proven to be inaccurate in practice and that incentivized people to search for other solutions. This talk will compare Bitcoin, Monero and Zcash to provide information about not just their anonymity but also other properties. The talk is meant even for non-technical people, so yes, you will understand it!
Anonymous insurance and predictions markets
Pavol Lupták
Cryptoanarchist, CEO of Nethemba and Certified IT Security Professional
Cryptoanarchist & voluntaryist focused on technology and society hacking IT security guy, founder of IT security hacking companies (Nethemba, Hacktrophy) & contemporary art (Satori) Co-founder of Bratislava's and Prague's hackerspaces (Progressbar & Paralelni Polis) Member of Czech contemporary anti-government artistic group Ztohoven Responsible for many anti-government & digital privacy projects,
Every new government's regulation, restriction or embargo that makes impossible for people to trade, do business or increase their expenses, creates a demand for any market solution that helps to bypass these obstacles. The fact - how many entrepreneurs or ordinary citizens consider the given law to be unethical, willing to avoid with the least risk as possible, determines an economic feasibility of the 'avoidance' solution. Truly anonymous cryptocurrencies (like Monero/zCash/zCoin) and anonymous web applications (using Tor hidden service) make this problem technically solvable. The solution is an anonymous insurance company. For the first time in the history, it is feasible to achieve an anonymous economic incentive leading to fully anonymous corruption & bribes with the impossibility to identify those who corrupt as well as those who accept bribes. The perfect corruption allows democratization of corporatism – everyone can create an anonymous economic incentive and be both bribe provider and receiver.
(In)security of cryptospace
Pavol Rusnák
Co-founder and CTO of SatoshiLabs
Pavol Rusnák, otherwise known as “Stick,” is Co-Founder and CTO of SatoshiLabs. Pavol is deeply involved in the development of sophisticated software and hardware projects such as TREZOR, where he is the core developer and cryptographer. Pavol is a highly regarded security expert and privacy activist and has been invited to speak at biggest technology oriented events such as Chaos Communication Congress, FOSDEM or LinuxTag. Pavol graduated from Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, majoring in Database Systems, with special emphasis on distributed systems. Along with his work, Pavol is Wizard for pebe/lab, where he works on hi-tech experimental, new media interactive installations. Pavol has also served as a board member of openSUSE Project and as a three-time mentor/administrator for the Google Summer of Code.
We will look at (in)secure design of various elements of cryptospace such as cryptocurrencies and their protocols and provide a short overview what went wrong and could have gone wrong this year.
Positive libertarianism
Juraj Bednár
Hacker and an entrepreneur
Juraj is a crypto-enthusiast, freedom-lover, hacker & serial entrepreneur. He is a co-founder of five IT companies and several non-profits, including Paralelní Polis and Progressbar Hackerspace. He is interested in biohacking and positive libertarianism. He would like to improve his own liberty whenever he can.
Most libertarians will go through several phases. Seeing the inefficiency or injustice of the state is one of them. I want to suggest that there is another phase: Taking your liberty into your own hands. Hate taxes? Go to tax haven! Don't like public schools? Unschool your kids. Do you want banking privacy? Cryptos! Don't like traditional models of relationships? Invent and build your own.
A lot of people in crypto space are real-world gamblers. They play a sophisticated version of roulette on crypto-exchanges. This is not the only way how to store value in cryptocurrencies. You can use strategies that have reasonable premises. They are easy enough to implement without fortune telling. And they have been used and tested here in Paralelní Polis.
The Future of Crowd Funding
Ondřej Pilný
Co-Founder of ICOindex and Crypto Investor
Ondřej Pilný co-founder of ICOindex - a platform for analyzing Initial Coin Offerings. He is freedom lover, crypto investor, and digital nomad. Currently working on a concept of decentralized autonomous investment rating organization. You can reach him at [email protected] or twitter @Ondrej_Pilny.
In 2017 almost 2 Billion USD has been raised in Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs). Why do so many start-ups raise capital in ICOs and why people participate in ICOs? We will look at ICOs from both perspectives - ICO start-ups and investors. Differences between Venture Capital and ICOs. Opportunities and risks of participating in ICOs.
Welcome to the Recentralized World
Maksim Izmaylov
Founder and CEO of Winding Tree, hacker, entrepreneur and blockchain maximalist.
Maksim Izmaylov is an entrepreneur with background in software engineering and law. He thinks that blockchain and other technologies can help us create a better world, e.g. reduce inequality. He founded two travel startups, Roomstorm and Winding Tree, and Travel Tech Con, a conference for startups and software engineers from the travel industry. Currently, Maksim is working on Winding Tree, a decentralized marketplace for the $7T travel industry that is dominated by just a handful of large corporations.
Despite the promise of the blockchain technology to decentralize the power that current institutions and moneyed individuals wield, what we see is just a redistribution of power with the "blockchain" prefix to it. I will talk about a few examples of recentralization and actions we can take to prevent it.
Liberate education from the state
Anarchocapitalist author, member of Svoboda učení (Freedom to Learn), head of Ludwig von Mises Institute CZ/SK, author of
Urza is an anarchocapitalist author who wrote almost one thousand of libertarian texts. He is a head of Ludwig von Mises Institute CZ & SK, member of Svoboda učení (Freedom to Learn), author of and associate of Paralelní Polis. Urza is mainly focusing on moral aspects of stateless society, free market based education system and government propaganda at public schools. He is about to publish the first Czech book about anarchocapitalism.
Compulsory school attendance is not only immoral, but it also represents the initial reason of our economical lack of freedom; State education costs money, also it's a source of the state propaganda and statist indoctrination. This is the main cause of the conviction of people that free market fails in so many areas, so we need the state authority to replace it. Why don't they teach us anything about the impossibility of economic calculation in the central planning? How easily can the authority of a teacher be replaced by the state authorities? And how can we keep the freedom when we spend the most important years of our lives in the jail?
We Gotta Take the Money Back!
Juraj Karpiš
Economic analyst at INESS
Juraj Karpis is a co-founder of the Slovak free-market think-tank INESS and the author of a bestseller about the financial crisis - Bad Money. He sees the negative effects of monopoly money everywhere.
How to Beat Fiat in a Not so Free Competition – meditations on proposed restrictions on product of the current monopoly money producers followed by an evaluation of private alternatives like gold, social networks money or cryptocurrencies. Speculations about their viability as fiat money contenders.
Fostering individual empowerment through social cohesion: A humanist view on freedom as a relational quality instead of a structural entity
David Hemmerle
Economic philosopher and researcher
Studied Business Economics with a focus on heterodox financial theory as well as sustainable alternatives in accounting. Later on, he switched to Economics and Philosophy and focused on plural economic theory as well as the history of economic and political thought. His Ph.D. will focus on the relationship between economic thought and the development of modern technology, i. e. blockchain.
The liberal vision of freedom sees the individual to be able to choose from a variety of options without being restricted externally. An equal access to economic structures and the legal system realizes the liberal goal of equal chances for any member of society. The lack of an external boundary stopping the individual to act does not necessarily empower the individual to deal with existing things around him in a creative manner though. How does an approach to the concept of freedom as an individually acquired ability in a socially fostered environment relate to the modern version of liberty as a structural-political achievement?
Innovations in education
Matej Held
White market agorist, educator and gamer, CEO of Hemisféra
Matej studied marketing and economics. He is currently focusing on innovation in education and entrepreneurial activism. He is the founder of Hemisféra and a member of the Progressbar hackerspace in Bratislava. He is interested in complex systems theory, philosophy and vipassana meditation in his free time.
The world is changing rapidly and education needs to adapt. But this is not always the case. In Hemisféra, we managed to innovate the education of children independently as a business without any external founding (Punk style). Business grows and we apply innovative methods such as gamification, freedom to learn, project education, edularping, new technology, NVC, and mindfulness.
Particl: A Private and Decentralized Marketplace
Ido Kaiser
Cypherpunk, security researcher and open source developer - Particl
An academic student in Business Engineering with a passion for security, privacy and cryptocurrencies. The past two years he has dedicated his spare time to aiding privacy projects, and researching/developing decentralized marketplaces.
A technical presentation on how we plan to build a decentralized marketplace with a focus on privacy. Particl is a platform that features an anonymous cryptocurrency (CT, RingCT) and a BitMessage-style messaging system. We are in the process of designing a protocol (Open Market Protocol) for interactions between sellers and buyers.
Bio-Hacking - Overcoming Programmed Ideologies
Amin Rafiee
Advocate of decentralisation. Cryptoanarchist, Bio-hacker, Entrepreneur & Public Speaker
Amin has been working closely with the developers of some of the most hyped-about projects in the cryptoshere since 2013. A regular speaker at Bitcoin conferences throughout Europe, Rafiee has been helping share the truth, freedom, and choice that Bitcoin and its partner platforms have to offer.
Overcoming Programmed Ideologies: Re-learning through Removing Using meditation, breathing techniques and cold showers i trained myself to be fully submerged in a frozen lake for 7 minutes. I have gone 7 days without any food and dead-lift more than twice my body weight through strength training. I believe the human body is capable of many amazing things that we have forgotten. I hope to continue my last discussion and explore new possibilities that i have since explored.
We have come to witness an upward trend in the field of cryptocurrencies. Many respectful professionals referred to it as a "Bubble" or a "hype" that as they claimed was ran by "a bunch of kids in their basements". Something that was started by the peer to peer community, open source, free to all, to compete with existing centralised organisations and governments. So how did this technology come to be? How is it that it can not only compete with, but come to push fortune 500 companies, government services as well as many highly praised job titles towards becoming obsolete?
OpenBazaar 2.0: Now is the Time to Shift to a Decentralized Marketplace
Sam Patterson
Operations Lead of the decentralized marketplace OpenBazaar and co-founder of OB1
Sam Patterson is the operations leader on OpenBazaar, and a co-founder of the company OB1. He's a former technology policy analyst at a free market think tank in Washington D.C., and wrote one of the first books about Bitcoin in 2013.
Cryptocurrencies are decentralizing money, but online commerce is still highly centralized. OpenBazaar 2.0 has delivered on the promise of a decentralized marketplace that is easy to use. This talk explains why now is the time to shift our economic activity away from the tightly-controlled e-commerce websites and into this censorship-resistant, private, peer-to-peer marketplace.
Liberate education from the state
Zdeňka Staňková
Activist against the compulsory schooling, anarcho-capitalist, a member of the initiative SvobodaUčení.cz (Freedom to Learn)
Author, speaker, consultant and freedom-lover. Unschooling and self-directed learning evangelist. Since 2012, one of five core members of (Freedom to Learn, NGO) which mission is the separation of education and state and achieving voluntary school attendance.
Compulsory school attendance is not only immoral, but it also represents the initial reason of our economical lack of freedom; State education costs money, also it's a source of the state propaganda and statist indoctrination. This is the main cause of the conviction of people that free market fails in so many areas, so we need the state authority to replace it. Why don't they teach us anything about the impossibility of economic calculation in the central planning? How easily can the authority of a teacher be replaced by the state authorities? And how can we keep the freedom when we spend the most important years of our lives in the jail?
First steps to educational emancipation
James Tooley (via Skype)
Education professor, writer and entrepreneur
James Tooley is education professor, writer and entrepreneur, working in low-cost private education globally. His book, The Beautiful Tree (Penguin), won the Sir Antony Fisher Memorial Prize, while his ground-breaking work was awarded gold prize in the IFC/FT Private Sector Development Competition, and was profiled in an American PBS documentary alongside the work of Nobel Laureate Mohammed Yunus.
First steps to educational emancipation: an extraordinary revolution is occurring in the developing world. Low-cost private schools are replacing government provision, bringing the first steps towards educational freedom. But governments still regulate the framework of education – curriculum, assessment, etc. The next phase of liberation must address this too.
p≡p ≡ pretty Easy privacy; Privacy by Default
Privacy extremist, floss & alternative routing ambassador, event organizer and radical connector
Sva is boardmember of the Chaos Computer Club and (co-)founded, mentored and organized various hackspaces and -events, e.g., or CCC/C3-confs. She is part of the cryptoparty core-team and wants to implement mass encryption with the Swiss p≡p foundation to create privacy by default for everyone.
p≡p motivates a new standard to encrypt and verify written communication without reinventing the wheel: p≡p eases secure communications relying on well-established end-to-end cryptographic methods. p≡p's protocols automate the steps taught to users and follows standards like OpenPGPG or OTR to integrate into existing systems for written digital communications and automating key management tasks.
How to Nap the Most
Daniel Krawisz
Director of Research at the Satoshi Nakamoto Institute
Daniel Krawisz has a master's degree in Physics from The University of Texas at Austin and first bought Bitcoin in 2011. In 2013 he helped found the Satoshi Nakamoto Institute website and has been writing about Bitcoin since then.
Bitcoin is a terrifying place full of ridiculous emotions. It is intelligent to prioritize naps in your investment decisions. This talk is about how to make investment decisions in the Bitcoin world that will let you sleep a lot and not drive yourself insane.
How to hack a blockchain
Tim Menapace
Researcher at T-Systems Multimedia Solutions, member of the Blockchain Education Network
Tim is researching security aspects and attack vectors of blockchain frameworks at T-Systems Multimedia Solutions in Dresden. He’s in the Test and Integration Center where different IT architectures are pentested and forensically analyzed. As an active member of the Blockchain Education Network, he cooperatively teaches this emerging technology in workshops, presentations and hackathons.
No system is 100 % safe all the time. Same goes for blockchain. This talk will explain different blockchain frameworks and their respective characteristics. Based upon this attack vectors for these blockchain frameworks are explained. Live hacking included.
The future of Swiss private banking: Monero
Justin Smith
Cryptofinance technologist, CEO of XMR Systems
Justin Smith is a cryptofinance technologist and programmer. He started working with Bitcoin almost 5 years ago when he created a Bitcoin payment system for his own e-commerce startup and spent the last two years working with Swiss banks. As the CEO of XMR Systems, he’s an advocate of solutions built on Bitcoin and Monero technologies.
Switzerland’s banking sector is legendary for respecting its clients’ privacy. But that privacy is only available to very wealthy clients, and it vanishes at the first request of a foreign power. Cryptocurrency is the solution, and Bitcoin seems to be a safe bet. But while Bitcoin is useful in many ways, it’s Monero that will likely become the technology of choice for the future of private banking and wealth management.
Criminal Law 101: On Cryptocurrencies and Encryption
Noud van Gemert & Reynier Jonkers
Cyber crime lawyers
Noud and Reynier are criminal defense lawyers from Amsterdam who specialize in cybercrime. They have a particular interest in criminal legal aspects of cryptocurrencies and encryption.
Under the flag of national security, governmental authorities are inclined to access all communications and follow every euro that is being spent. Encrypted communication and crypto currencies greatly enhance our privacy, but they’re legally challenged by investigative authorities. Noud and Reynier are criminal defense lawyers and defend this tech in the court room. They'll tell everything you need to know about criminal law, and how to prevent (unconsciously) laundering Bitcoins.
Anonymous locking boxes for everybody
Jiří Šatánek
Cryptoanarchist, enterpreneur, shaolin kung-fu teacher
Jiří is a co-author of Cryptocult security software, cryptocurrency investor since 2013. Currently, he's about to realize his projects related to cryptocurrencies and infosec. He's a dad of 7 and home schools his children. His biggest passion is Chinese wushu which he has started teaching recently.
Ethereum blockchain in locking systems. Locking system architecture. CryptoComb - open source modular system of anonymous boxes, design, construction, development, prototype demonstration. Possible applications for shared garages, hotel rooms, 3D printers, CNC machines or even drones...
What Bitcoin taught me about people
Julia Tourianski
Author of The Declaration of Bitcoin's Independence, YouTuber
Julia is the author of The Declaration of Bitcoin's Independence. She runs the youtube channel and website Brave The World, where she explores individualist anarchism, evolutionary psychology, social/political movements, and traditionalism. Her goal is to create disillusionment with today's assumed power structures.
Bitcoin has had an uncanny impact in just a few years, not just on tech, economics & politics, but on individuals. We all had our own ideas about how btc can affect lives. Many "bitcoiners" had a vision of how people will use bitcoin and why. And some, including myself, had a naive view about what kind of people would be drawn to this unique innovation. Expectations and preconceptions inevitably lead to disappointments...but hopefully ones we can all learn from.
Taking Back The Web: Information Markets and Sociotechnical Systems
Eric Martindale
Let's take back the web!
Eric is an experienced entrepreneur and technologist, focusing on disruptive technologies and macroeconomic systems. He took an early interest in Bitcoin & cryptofinance, beginning work in the blockchain industry in 2011 before joining BitPay as lead of open-source strategy and later ultimately joining Blockstream as a champion for the socioeconomic impact of digital assets, blockchains, and other cryptographic tools. He is an avid open-source developer, advocate for privacy and other individual rights, and economic theorist focused on the societal shift taking place in an ever-smaller world.
The World Wide Web that we know today has powered both positive and negative change for society. What does the next web look like? We explore how it might operate without compromising the freedom, privacy, or security of its users, ensuring the alignment of fair economic incentives for its participants - the Internet users.
Fashion STL
Alžběta Moreno
Fashion&Tech designer, Experimenter with interactive clothing
Bet Moreno participated at fashion.stl - a 3D printed fashion show at HCPP 2015. Since then she is fascinated about the fusion between fashion and technology. How the fashion becomes an interactive tool. How we can communicate throw our clothing using sensors, for example the heartbeat one. She will present several projects with more fashiontech designers - her co-maker Ivana Kanovska, Oldrich Vojta with his smart shoe project and also guests from Berlin - e-textile designer Esther Zahn and Joanna Hir with her collection using enlightenment engineering.
A new beginning of fashion.stl which started as a 3D printed fashion show at HCPP 2015. Now Bet Moreno with Ivana Kanovska and Oldrich Vojta are finding more innovative ways how to put together fashion and technology. How FashTech can change our future of clothing. How to use 3D print and scanners to have customized clothes. How we incorporate sensors and chips so our clothes become interactive. Let´s communicate via our clothing!
3D printing: Decentralization of manufacturing
Tomáš Michálek
Co-founder of Prague's MakersLab – a 3D printing makerspace
Tomas Michalek is the co-founder of Prague's MakersLab – a 3D printing makerspace founded in Paralelni Polis. He is a 3D printing enthusiast, sees a huge potential of 3D printing across all industries and feels that it is one of the tools that is going to change the world. Tomas is the 3D printing community leader educating public in the use of this technology. Company teams and individuals are coming to MakersLab to learn what it takes to print their own product and how it can help them. He is also building a 3D factory. He is fascinated by new technologies and their applications that can help people solve their problems and needs.
We are living at very exciting times. You can start manufacturing right on your desktop. The future of manufacturing is going to be local again thanks to 3D printing. Imagine consumer goods manufacturers publishing spare parts for download and letting anyone to print them on their 3D printers. Think of on-demand manufacturing and digital stock of items.
HCPP team
Official wrap-up of #HCPP17
Upcoming talks
Apart from intensive presentation schedule, the congress will be accompanied by panel discussions, VR stages, social events and other program in collaboration with our partners.
Overwhelmed by new information? Wanna overcome the excess of good food and hacker beer? It's over! Lie down in our chillout zone - for a quick power nap, a friendly chat or for reading The Crypto Anarchist Manifesto. Your comfort will be complete with adjustable lighting bulbs Philips Hue, fragrant bitcoin installation Pecunia Non Olet and relaxing background music from
All tickets for HCPP17 are SOLD OUT. We will not sell any tickets on the spot.
Thanks to everyone who bought a ticket, you can still buy additional merchandise in our shop.
Special thanks to a person who bought The Very Last Ticket for 1 BTC, we really appreciate it!
If you want to support us, consider donating to our BTC address.
All proceeds will be used to make this conference even better.
Since the beginning in 2014, the congress brought together hundreds of freedom lovers, technology enthusiasts and artists. Catch a glimpse of its amazing atmosphere and sign up to experience it on your own! Walk throught the gallery below or continue to HCPP16 - Decentralized, HCPP15 - Blackout and HCPP14.
Official partners of this year's Hackers Congress Paralelní Polis
Paralelní Polis is a one-of-a-kind nonprofit organization that brings together art, social sciences, and modern technologies. The ideas of liberty, independence, and innovative thinking and development of society are the main underlying foundations the whole project is built upon.
The project intends to remain state free as it operates entirely without support from the government, and most of the funds come from voluntary contributions of our donors and partly from commercial activities such as running a unique coworking space and the world's first bitcoin-only cafe.
It was founded by members of a contemporary-art group Ztohoven, and Slovak and Czech hackerspaces. Its main goal is to promote economic, social and digital freedom. We try to be a vocal voice of freedom in order to shape the public discourse, and ultimately work towards a freer future.
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All proceeds from this friendly conference will be used to support Paralelni Polis on its freedom mission. Thanks for considering your support!
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